Sikh facility on Ganga riverfront, Haridwar

What is religion? And where does it reside? Where does God reside? Just like the ancient ascetics give guidance, so it is that religion is a source of guidance for human life. What is the place at which religion resides? It is the eyes. By these eyes we are able to walk on the path. They indicate to us when a thorn or a stone is coming up ahead, or a hole. They show us that a particular place is a good place to step. Step here, step in the grass. These are the things that the eyes show us. And the feet follow the directions of the eyes. In the same way, the religion of man gives to him guidance, and his life becomes very fruitful. And the dwelling place of religion is the eyes, as I’ve said at first. For example, a mother, a sister, a wife — their structure is the same, their form is the same, no matter how many of them there are. How does a man’s spirit feel when he goes to his mother, or to his wife, or to his sister. This is what religion is. Simply by saying this much, I have told the whole story of what is religion.
I am not a sadhu or anybody’s guru, I am an ordinary person, and I stay here and preach religion. I am a preacher. And I preach that religion in which all religions are full of knowledge. By my religion, anybody can come — Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, or Christian. For me, they are all equal. For me, there is nothing unusual about any of them; only humanness. This is what I want to look at in them. And for me, the whole issue of caste or creed is completely meaningless. There are only two types of human beings in this world, men and women. Someone said, “For me, the world is my family. However many living beings there are in the world, that’s my family.” I don’t say, “This is a Pakistani, or an African or an American.” No, all are equal. They are all human beings. The function of the eyes is to see. Just like the hands have their own function, the eyes are to see. Religion is a way of seeing.
This is the main temple of this religion, and here the service is done to the poor. It is only for the poor. Only for poor people and the handicapped. In this temple, whatever god there is, the first position is given to Guru Nanak. There is only one act of piety he prescribed. For the enemy, a sword, and for a saint, everything. And for the poor man, he must be served. For the handicapped, and orphans, and the poor, they must be served. Whoever comes in front of me, whoever comes in my line of vision, him I will serve. He is the one who is my bhagvan. In whomever there is a spirit, he is my ishvar. As long as bhagvan is in man, as long as his athma hears the voice of param athma, he is alive. But when param athma leaves, man dies. In everyone, there is an athma.
This temple was founded by the top-most saint of India, Guru Nanak, who himself came here. Look at this [pointing to a picture of Guru Nanak standing on the steps of a bathing ghat]. He came here to remove darkness from the world. Look at the picture. He is banishing darkness.
What is this that we have given you? It is prasad, [food offered to the gods and then given to people as an act of devotion]. We call it prasad. We even call ordinary meals prasad. The root below the tree is the same. The tree, from below, is one. But up above, the branches are many. Still, the tree is one. “Out of one light, many lights.” God comes in one form and says, “which form will you worship me in? According to what perception?” You see the same person perceived as a daughter, a mother, and a mistress of a home, but she is still the same. She is still one. This is how God is.
Is there any difference? No, that’s the whole point. The Hindus consider me a holy man and give me tea. When I go to the Christians, they give me the name “Mr. Christopher,” and call me “Father.” I go to the Hindus and they say, “he is a pandit ji, a Brahmin priest.” The Muslims say I am their maulana. I serve everybody, and they all come to me and say, “Baba, give us the blessing of wealth, long life, and the loving blessing radiating from your presence.” This is the prayer which goes before the deity. It is for all, not for ourselves, because we are knowledgeable gurus and we want to serve. This is our work. Go ahead and eat it. If your spirit will accept it fine. If not, it’s alright.
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